Father's Wings

A novel by Rhonda Hanson

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Father's Wings
Hanson, Rhonda

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Father's Wings

book two in the Father series

Father's Wings is the much anticipated follow-up to Rhonda Hanson's first work Father's Choice. Father's Wings seamlessly takes the reader back into the lives of Joel Etheridge and his bride, Meredith Clark Etheridge, an award-winning, chart-topping recording artist, musician, and song-writer. Joel and Meredith's road to "happily ever after" was a rocky one and, at times, seemed destined to become a dead-end. Now, in Father's Wings, they face even more trials and heartbreak, as they are thrown into spiritual warfare that can only be survived under the wings of a loving, watchful Father.

Father's Wings not only reconnects the reader with the much-loved, and favorite characters found in Father's Choice, but introduces us to new characters as well, with similar challenges to faith, and interwoven stories. Is little Wally Greer correct? Does Father, indeed, have "wings"? Does He use them to "whip up tornadoes" or are they more like "tents"?

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Grace Under Pressure Publishing    P.O. Box 337    Bell Buckle, TN. 37020