Introducing the works of
Rhonda Hanson
Rhonda Hanson is an author, musician, recording artist, songwriter, speaker, and "Grammy".
She makes her home in middle Tennessee and devotes much of her time to writing, bragging about her grandchildren, scowling at her cats, rebuilding her old MacBooks, and dodging social media.

Father's Choice
Father's Choice is the first in a series of fiction by Rhonda Hanson. Set in Nashville, Tennessee, Father's Choice is the story of Meredith, a beautiful, well-known singer with a heart as big as her temper is hot. She loves Father intensely but wars with her mouth and her tendency is to react, rather than respond, to others around her.
Joel Etheridge is Meredith's patient, long-suffering and understandably grim manager who has so successfully covered his heart that Meredith sometimes wonders if he can stand her. Theirs is a rocky, fragile and yet, enduring relationship. You will be drawn into what is on one level, a very human love story and on another, a touching picture of Christ and His Bride.
Father's Choice is currently available.

Father's Wings
Father's Wings, the sequel to Father's Choice, was completed by Rhonda but tucked away until she felt it was time for its release. This story seamlessly picks up where the first book ends and brings back the people you will feel you have known all your life after reading Father's Choice. In the sequel, you will meet new characters and enter into a world of spiritual warfare and intercession. Early reviews promise the reader that the Father's Wings stands up solidly next to Father's Choice as anointed work of fiction.
Father's Wings is currently available in both print and digital formats. The publisher welcomes comments from readers about Father's Wings, and other books by Rhonda Hanson.

Father's Song
The third book in the Father series, Father's Song weaves the final threads into this much loved tapestry. It reaches back across former years and hints at the years to come, with a bittersweet lovely, but final chord.
We take our last look into the lives of Joel and Meredith and perhaps see a side of Father we weren't expecting. Does Father have a song? Meredith believes He does... and she thinks she knows what it is.
Father's Song is currently available in both print and digital formats. The publisher welcomes comments from readers about Father's Song, and other books by Rhonda Hanson.

Father's Friend
Father's Friend, although not part of the Father Series, which is comprised of Father's Choice, Father's Wings, and Father's Song, is a linked novel that takes the reader back to the beginning and peels back the layers of who Meredith Clark really is. It allows us to understand how someone who is her own deepest hiding place is able to reluctantly venture out into the open, while desperately clinging tightly to her Father's hand.
Father's Friend is currently available in both print and digital formats. The publisher welcomes comments from readers about Father's Friend and other books by Rhonda Hanson.

The Adventures of Pahwoo
and Her Friends
In early 2014, Rhonda Hanson began weaving a bedtime tale for her four-year-old granddaughter, Eliza. The story began to grow with every sleepover at "Grammy's House" and lasted for several years until, sadly, Eliza and her little sister Evie grew too old for bedtime stories with Grammy. Finally, Rhonda decided to recapture the memories of "Pahwoo" the pink owl and all her friends before they all slipped away into the fog of long ago and far away.
The Adventures of Pahwoo and Her Friends is the gleaning of those years of storytelling, bound in print, for Eliza, Evie and others to someday share with their own children and is sweetly illustrated by then ten-year-old Eliza.

The Father Series
The Father Series is a grouping of the original three books, Father's Choice, Father's Wings, and Father's Song, packaged as a boxed set for gift giving, or to display in your own personal collection.
Father's Choice is the first in the set and is endorsed by LuLu Roman (star of television's hit comedy "Hee Haw") and by Nancy Alcorn (founder and president of Mercy Multiplied, formerly Mercy Ministries).
Father's Wings picks up seamlessly after Father's Choice and effortlessly continues the journey of Joel and Meredith into Father's Song, the third and final book of the series.
A recent release from
Rhonda Hanson
The Master Of Hawthorn Manor

When beautiful Audra Campbell returned to the town she had lived in with her aunt, after being gone for several years, the first bit of gossip she heard was that Martin Satterfield was recently widowed, following the untimely, and suspicious death of his late wife.
The most recent novel by Rhonda Hanson is a departure from her earlier novels, that comprise the Father Series and its linked novel. Because Martin Satterfield does not believe in eternity, his greatest dread, following the deaths of all those he loved, and who loved him, is living out his remaining years by himself and dying alone, yet he remains disturbingly forbidding and aloof.
A recent release from
Rhonda Hanson
Buying The Farm

Barrett Webb has been asked to consider purchasing the Anderson farm. He thinks it's business as usual, although the banker has advised him that the seller is a young widow, who has been forced to lose her farm and home because of the drunken, foolish behavior of her late husband.
This recent novel by Rhonda Hanson focuses its storyline around the Anderson farm, and touches on the sober topics of death, suicide, hospice care, and loss, but also deals with faith, salvation, love, trust, longsuffering and new beginnings.
A recent release from
Rhonda Hanson
Once Upon An Altar

If anyone should be able to forgive, it should be a minister. Week after week, the young, handsome Pastor Grant Sellars stands in the pulpit preaching the gospel and its message of forgiveness to his congregation, while he nurses a past wound that has never healed, inflicted in a very public, very humiliating way.
A beautiful actress has arrived in this small Mississippi town and stands in need of forgiveness, but she knows that the local pastor is the last one willing to offer it to her.
A recent release from
Rhonda Hanson
The Art Of Letting Go

All that classical musician Cora Hartmann wanted, when she was the top bidder on an online auction and bought the decrepit old house and its beautiful acres of hardwood forest, was to be able to turn it into a sanctuary where she could be alone to compose her music. Every morning, she dutifully drove out to the property and made her way through the trees to the house, to continue dragging out ugly carpet, and doing what she could in order to make the place inhabitable.
Alone in the woods, she was unprepared to be confronted by a scowling, intimidating man who blocked her path and demanded to know where his sister was, who Cora was, and what she was doing at his sister's house.
A recent release from
Rhonda Hanson
Dancing to an Elegy for Eden

Piers Brooks once owned a farm so beautiful that local residents called it Eden. It was the place of his only child's happy life, until they were forced to leave it. One of the last things he said to his daughter was that she shouldn't try to return to it. It couldn't be expected to have remained the same.
Now, the child is a woman who is alone in the world. Despite her father's warnings, she just had to see the old farm again. She wishes she had listened to him, as she stares all around her in shock and dismay. Eden is dead, devastated and ruined. Evil has come, and blood has been spilled. Those responsible now turn their malevolent focus onto the daughter of Piers Brooks.
The latest release from
Rhonda Hanson
The Long Goodbye

The Long Goodbye is dedicated to anyone who has ever become its victim, and who may even now be unable to move ahead without looking back.
It is for those who will one day find themselves faced with the difficult decision to be willing to be part of another's journey of transition, even though it will be painful to watch them go through the door.
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.*
And so we wait for the morning.
* Psalm 30:5
A New Release From
Stella Dickerson
The sister of author Rhonda Hanson
A Music Family Book Of Stories

A Music Family Book of Stories is a compilation of work written with love and the sort of pride one can easily pardon. Stella Dickerson was enthusiastically proud of, impressed with, and encouraged and comforted by the musical roots of not only the family who gave her the Stamper name that she was born with, but of the family who gave her the name she lived with the rest of her life: the Dickersons.
When Stella met, fell in love with, and married Ed Dickerson, they built a life together that lasted over fifty-three years, until she moved from that life to the one she now lives in Heaven, where the rest of us can only imagine the music that she gets to hear all around her.
Introducing the works of
Eliza Crooks
The granddaughter of Rhonda Hanson, Eliza is already an accomplished author
and illustrator. Her first book was written at age eleven and at age thirteen, she
she completed the sequel to her novel "The Voyage Of The Pegasus".
She is now writing the third book of the pirate adventure series.

The Voyage Of The Pegasus
The Voyage Of The Pegasus is the first novel by Eliza Crooks. It is an exciting account of the adventures of the crew of children known as the "Stowaways" aboard the pirate ship "Pegasus": Captain Belle Smith and her ship mates, Sydney Andrews, Sawyer Anderson, Ryker Collins, Alice Williams and of course, the ship's parrot "Donna".
The Voyage Of The Pegasus was begun by Eliza at age 11 and completed when she was 12. Besides chronicling the daring escapades of this group of unlikely heroes, Eliza lends her artistic abilities to illustrating her book.
The Voyage Of The Pegasus is currently available.

The Return Of The Cobra
"The Return Of The Cobra" is the highly anticipated sequel to the first novel by Eliza Crooks, "The Voyage Of The Pegasus". Captain Belle Smith and her crew set sail again on the high seas, only to be challenged again by the rogue pirates of the The Cobra.
Child author and illustrator Eliza Crooks has just completed this exciting continuation of the adventures of the Stowaways, who have taken on new crew members, and band together for a new voyage in the face of uncertain danger.
The Return of the Cobra is currently available.